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Just finish MU against Chelsea match. not too bad. personally i think Chelsea players are way too rough. Drogba falls down like a lady when he attempts to win free kicks or getting his opponents sent off for that matter. MU got lucky for escaping a penalty.

all is good for now...

for some strange reasons, i couldn't get back to sleep. wide awake now, not so sure bout later.

should life just be that way. taking one step at the time, and not looking too far ahead?

there's a saying, 'if you fail to plan, you plan to fail'. not sure if this ever applies. so far what i've planned out, never came true. or maybe i am being too idealistic about what might happen if things were.... going according to plan.

on the other hand, if there is no plan. it seems like it is a very direction-less path way, where you don't know where you might end up. and that is the scary part.

wise man says, 'take the least walk path, and you shall be a better man.' how many have gone through it, and come out to be a better man? a successful man? i have not given up, it's just that the path i'm taking is way too hard, i'm not sure where i'm heading, and you get de-motivated when things doesn't seems to fall into place. it comes to a point, where i think to myself, why do you bother trying again. ironically, i was being commented that i never stop trying. *laughing out loud sarcastically* taking that leap of faith again. it's scary you don't know how far down the cliff may be... you might just die half way before hitting the ground.

it is a pleasant feeling to know that you are wanted by someone. somehow knowing the fact that they believe in you. things get complicated, when you don't even believe in yourself. i'm trying to gain back that bit of confidence in me. the truth is, i'm losing that bit left in me. i do not even dare to imagine what catastrophic events that might happen.

somehow... in view to the public, it seems like a disadvantage to reveal, and bare naked especially you do not have much to show. (please think beyond physical)

there's this psychology term, that a baby did not learn to crawl, but straight into walking. you may think that the baby it's brilliant. 1 step ahead, saving time. however, i think it's a disorder.
you see... they would always look for shortcuts. jumping into conclusion. thinking too far ahead, where now is more important.
it's a chronic disease... no good no good. for the individual, and people around.

lesson of the day: baby steps. but walk faster please.

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