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it's always been said, 'if you fail to plan, you plan to fail'.

however, life is just full of twists and turns. every corner we take, every road we choose, will somehow give you a whole different script, even though you have planned to take that route at the very beginning.

i'm sure many of us have great plans for our own. goals that we would like to achieve, targets that we set for ourselves. this great plans that we have, especially just before the clock struck 12, where everyone of us welcome the brand new year. we usually have a whole list of things and goals we have, that we would like to do, or achieve.

but every time we set foot to ATTEMPT to accomplish it, things will turn out not the way we wanted it to be, not even close.

there could be many factors or incidents that happen along the way, that 'force' us to alter the BIG GOALS that we set for ourselves.

ever wonder why this sort of things happened to us??

the next big question; the quote of plan to fail, fail to plan doesn't suite into the formula of life... ain't it?

the next big big question we should be asking ourselves; why bother to plan? when things don't always turn out the way we want.

sometimes... i'm sick and tired of planning. i rather things happen unexpectedly. at least it surprise me, so that i can enjoy the moment of excitment (if there is) and from there, take things in it's stride.

'no, no... you should plan... a man without goals and plans, ain't a man.'

well... i don't give a damn. things in life happened and changes so fast, sometimes there's no time to take a deep breath and give the 'chup' sign, so that you can pause and have a coke and think bout what to do next. the world will just keep on rotating.

how do we cope then? have big plans, and try our very best to stick to it? or just take each day at a time, follow the flow where the tide takes you?

if the statement at the very first line of this post is proven to be wrong, there's no need for us to plan our way through till the day we lay on the coffin. no??

in the end, we still have to make a choice, which is to plan again, since the very first plan never work out. and there goes the cycle again and again

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