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My Best Friend

Streams of silver lining flowing down from mountainous top, all the way down the valley. occasionally, a few strokes from the palm cuts off those salty saddening tears.

it's been 8 years since the last time i saw him cried. not an entirely nice feeling to see a person cry. the sorrow, the pain, the unhappy thoughts, that were accumulated over time. never have the loophole to be release.

and today, it happened again. exactly the same as 8 years ago. only this time, the cries are shorter.

he always find his ways to overcome his matters. ppl around him always say he is strong, courage, and resourceful. but... only he knows best. from the way i see it, he is pretty much all by himself, alone...most of the time.

he don't expect ppl know understand him, although his reason and motives are just pure simple and direct. convince him many times, but always fail.

maybe i just ought to bring him for counseling sessions.

at the mean time, better start reading more in depth bout the theories.

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